Source code for aicssegmentation.core.visual

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def sliceViewer(im: np.ndarray, zz: int): """simple wrapper to view one slice of a z-stack Parameter ----------- im: np.ndarray 3D image stack to view zz: int the slice to return Example: --------- >>> from ipywidgets import interact, fixed >>> import ipywidgets as widgets >>> interact( >>> sliceViewer, >>> im = fixed(struct_img), >>> zz = widgets.IntSlider( >>> min = 0, >>> max = struct_img.shape[0] - 1, >>> step = 1, >>> value = struct_img.shape[0] // 2, >>> continuous_update = False >>> ) >>> ); """ plt.imshow(im[zz, :, :])
[docs]def random_colormap(nn: int = 10000): """generate a random colormap with nn different colors Parameter: ---------- nn: int the number of random colors needed Example: ---------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # img_label is output of a label function and represent all connected components >>> plt.imshow(img_label, cmap=random_colormap()) """ from matplotlib import cm viridis = cm.get_cmap("viridis", nn) for ii in range(nn): for jj in range(3): viridis.colors[ii][jj] = np.random.rand() # always set first color index as black viridis.colors[0][0] = 0 viridis.colors[0][1] = 0 viridis.colors[0][2] = 0 return viridis
[docs]def blob2dExplorer_single(im, sigma, th): """backend for trying 2D spot filter on a single Z slice Parameters ---------- im : np.ndarray 2D image array sigma : float sigma in the spot filter th : float threshold to be applied as cutoff on filter output Example: ---------- >>> from ipywidgets import interact, fixed >>> import ipywidgets as widgets >>> # define slide bars for trying different parameters >>> interact( >>> blob2dExplorer_single, >>> im = fixed(img), >>> sigma = widgets.FloatRangeSlider( >>> value = (1, 5), >>> min = 1, >>> max = 15, >>> step = 1, >>> continuous_update = False >>> ), >>> th = widgets.FloatSlider( >>> value = 0.02, >>> min = 0.01, >>> max = 0.1, >>> step = 0.01, >>> continuous_update = False >>> ) >>> ); """ from aicssegmentation.core.seg_dot import logSlice bw = logSlice(im, (sigma[0], sigma[1], 1), th) plt.imshow(im) plt.imshow(bw)
[docs]def fila2dExplorer_single(im, sigma, th): """backend for trying 2D filament filter on a single Z slice Parameters ---------- im : np.ndarray 2D image array sigma : float sigma in the filament filter th : float threshold to be applied as cutoff on filter output Example: ---------- >>> from ipywidgets import interact, fixed >>> import ipywidgets as widgets >>> # define slide bars for trying different parameters >>> interact( >>> fila2dExplorer_single, >>> im = fixed(img), >>> sigma = widgets.FloatRangeSlider( >>> value = 3, >>> min = 1, >>> max = 11, >>> step = 1, >>> continuous_update = False >>> ), >>> th = widgets.FloatSlider( >>> value = 0.05, >>> min = 0.01, >>> max = 0.5, >>> step = 0.01, >>> continuous_update = False >>> ) >>> ); """ from .vessel import vesselness2D tmp = vesselness2D(im, [sigma], tau=1, whiteonblack=True) plt.imshow(im) plt.imshow(tmp > th)
[docs]def mipView(im): """simple wrapper to view maximum intensity projection""" mip = np.amax(im, axis=0) plt.imshow(mip)
[docs]def img_seg_combine(img, seg, roi=["Full", None]): """creating raw and segmentation side-by-side for visualizaiton""" # normalize to 0~1 img = img.astype(np.float32) img = (img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min()) seg = seg.astype(np.float32) seg[seg > 0] = 1 if roi[0] == "ROI" or roi[0] == "roi": img = img[roi[1]] seg = seg[roi[1]] elif roi[0] == "manual" or roi[0] == "M": img = img[:, roi[1][1] : roi[1][3], roi[1][0] : roi[1][2]] seg = seg[:, roi[1][1] : roi[1][3], roi[1][0] : roi[1][2]] # combine combined = np.concatenate((seg, img), axis=2) # view return combined
[docs]def seg_fluo_side_by_side(im, seg, roi=["Full", None]): """wrapper for displaying raw and segmentation side by side""" out = img_seg_combine(im, seg, roi) return out
[docs]def segmentation_quick_view(seg: np.ndarray): """wrapper for visualizing segmentation in ITK viewer Parameter: ----------- seg: np.ndarray 3D stack of segmentation to view Example: ----------- >>> from itkwidgets import view >>> view(segmentation_quick_view(seg)) """ valid_pxl = np.unique(seg[seg > 0]) if len(valid_pxl) < 1: print("segmentation is empty") return seg = seg > 0 seg = seg.astype(np.uint8) seg[seg > 0] = 255 return seg
[docs]def single_fluorescent_view(im): """wrapper for visualizing an image stack in ITK viewer Parameter: ----------- im: np.ndarray 3D image stack to view Example: ----------- >>> from itkwidgets import view >>> view(single_fluorescent_view(im)) """ assert len(im.shape) == 3 im = im.astype(np.float32) im = (im - im.min()) / (im.max() - im.min()) return im