import numpy as np
import copy
from typing import List
from .utils import divide_nonzero
from .hessian import absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues
[docs]def filament_3d_wrapper(struct_img: np.ndarray, f3_param: List[List]):
"""wrapper for 3d filament filter
struct_img: np.ndarray
the image (should have been smoothed) to be segmented. The image has to be 3D.
f3_param: List[List]
[[scale_1, cutoff_1], [scale_2, cutoff_2], ....], e.g., [[1, 0.01]] or
[[1,0.05], [0.5, 0.1]]. scale_x is set based on the estimated thickness of your
target filaments. For example, if visually the thickness of the filaments is
usually 3~4 pixels, then you may want to set scale_x as 1 or something near 1
(like 1.25). Multiple scales can be used, if you have filaments of very
different thickness. cutoff_x is a threshold applied on the actual filter
reponse to get the binary result. Smaller cutoff_x may yielf more filaments,
especially detecting more dim ones and thicker segmentation, while larger
cutoff_x could be less permisive and yield less filaments and slimmer
T. Jerman, et al. Enhancement of vascular structures in 3D and 2D angiographic
images. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2016 Apr 4;35(9):2107-18.
assert len(struct_img.shape) == 3, "image has to be 3D"
bw = np.zeros(struct_img.shape, dtype=bool)
for fid in range(len(f3_param)):
sigma = f3_param[fid][0]
eigenvalues = absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues(struct_img, sigma=sigma, scale=True, whiteonblack=True)
responce = compute_vesselness3D(eigenvalues[1], eigenvalues[2], tau=1)
bw = np.logical_or(bw, responce > f3_param[fid][1])
return bw
[docs]def filament_2d_wrapper(struct_img: np.ndarray, f2_param: List[List]):
"""wrapper for 2d filament filter
struct_img: np.ndarray
the image (should have been smoothed) to be segmented. The image is
either 2D or 3D. If 3D, the filter is applied in a slice by slice
f2_param: List[List]
[[scale_1, cutoff_1], [scale_2, cutoff_2], ....], e.g., [[1, 0.01]]
or [[1,0.05], [0.5, 0.1]]. Here, scale_x is set based on the estimated
thickness of your target filaments. For example, if visually the thickness
of the filaments is usually 3~4 pixels, then you may want to set scale_x
as 1 or something near 1 (like 1.25). Multiple scales can be used, if you
have filaments of very different thickness. cutoff_x is a threshold applied
on the actual filter reponse to get the binary result. Smaller cutoff_x may
yielf more filaments, especially detecting more dim ones and thicker
segmentation, while larger cutoff_x could be less permisive and yield less
filaments and slimmer segmentation.
T. Jerman, et al. Enhancement of vascular structures in 3D and 2D angiographic
images. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2016 Apr 4;35(9):2107-18.
bw = np.zeros(struct_img.shape, dtype=bool)
if len(struct_img.shape) == 2:
for fid in range(len(f2_param)):
sigma = f2_param[fid][0]
eigenvalues = absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues(struct_img, sigma=sigma, scale=True, whiteonblack=True)
responce = compute_vesselness2D(eigenvalues[1], tau=1)
bw = np.logical_or(bw, responce > f2_param[fid][1])
elif len(struct_img.shape) == 3:
mip = np.amax(struct_img, axis=0)
for fid in range(len(f2_param)):
sigma = f2_param[fid][0]
res = np.zeros_like(struct_img)
for zz in range(struct_img.shape[0]):
tmp = np.concatenate((struct_img[zz, :, :], mip), axis=1)
eigenvalues = absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues(tmp, sigma=sigma, scale=True, whiteonblack=True)
responce = compute_vesselness2D(eigenvalues[1], tau=1)
res[zz, :, : struct_img.shape[2] - 3] = responce[:, : struct_img.shape[2] - 3]
bw = np.logical_or(bw, res > f2_param[fid][1])
return bw
[docs]def vesselness3D(nd_array: np.ndarray, sigmas: List, tau=1, whiteonblack=True, cutoff: float = -1):
"""Multi-scale 3D filament filter
nd_array: np.ndarray
the 3D image to be filterd on
sigmas: List
a list of scales to use
tau: float
parameter that controls response uniformity. The value has to be
between 0.5 and 1. Lower tau means more intense output response.
Default is 1
whiteonblack: bool
whether the filamentous structures are bright on dark background
or dark on bright. Default is True.
cutoff: float
the cutoff value to apply on the filter result. If the cutoff is
negative, no cutoff will be applied. Default is -1
T. Jerman, et al. Enhancement of vascular structures in 3D and 2D angiographic
images. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2016 Apr 4;35(9):2107-18.
if not nd_array.ndim == 3:
raise (ValueError("Only 3 dimensions is currently supported"))
# adapted from # noqa E501
if np.any(np.asarray(sigmas) < 0.0):
raise ValueError("Sigma values less than zero are not valid")
filtered_array = np.zeros(
+ nd_array.shape
for i, sigma in enumerate(sigmas):
eigenvalues = absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues(nd_array, sigma=sigma, scale=True, whiteonblack=True)
filtered_array[i] = compute_vesselness3D(eigenvalues[1], eigenvalues[2], tau=tau)
response = np.max(filtered_array, axis=0)
if cutoff < 0:
return response
return response > cutoff
[docs]def vesselness2D(
nd_array: np.ndarray,
sigmas: List,
tau: float = 1,
whiteonblack: bool = True,
cutoff: float = -1,
"""Multi-scale 2D filament filter
nd_array: np.ndarray
the 2D image to be filterd on
sigmas: List
a list of scales to use
tau: float
parameter that controls response uniformity. The value has to be
between 0.5 and 1. Lower tau means more intense output response.
Default is 0.5
whiteonblack: bool
whether the filamentous structures are bright on dark background
or dark on bright. Default is True.
cutoff: float
the cutoff value to apply on the filter result. If the cutoff is
negative, no cutoff will be applied. Default is -1
T. Jerman, et al. Enhancement of vascular structures in 3D and 2D angiographic
images. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2016 Apr 4;35(9):2107-18.
if not nd_array.ndim == 2:
raise (ValueError("Only 2 dimensions is currently supported"))
# adapted from # noqa E501
if np.any(np.asarray(sigmas) < 0.0):
raise ValueError("Sigma values less than zero are not valid")
filtered_array = np.zeros(
+ nd_array.shape
for i, sigma in enumerate(sigmas):
eigenvalues = absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues(nd_array, sigma=sigma, scale=True, whiteonblack=True)
filtered_array[i] = compute_vesselness2D(eigenvalues[1], tau=tau)
response = np.max(filtered_array, axis=0)
if cutoff < 0:
return response
return response > cutoff
[docs]def vesselness2D_single_slice(
nd_array: np.ndarray,
single_z: int,
sigmas: List,
tau: float = 1,
whiteonblack: bool = True,
cutoff: float = -1,
"""Multi-scale 2D filament filter
nd_array: np.ndarray
the 3D image to be filterd on
single_z: int
the index of the slice to apply the filter
sigmas: List
a list of scales to use
tau: float
parameter that controls response uniformity. The value has to be
between 0.5 and 1. Lower tau means more intense output response.
Default is 0.5
whiteonblack: bool
whether the filamentous structures are bright on dark background
or dark on bright. Default is True.
cutoff: float
the cutoff value to apply on the filter result. If the cutoff is
negative, no cutoff will be applied. Default is -1
T. Jerman, et al. Enhancement of vascular structures in 3D and 2D angiographic
images. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2016 Apr 4;35(9):2107-18.
if not nd_array.ndim == 3:
raise (ValueError("Only 3 dimensions is currently supported"))
# adapted from # noqa E501
if np.any(np.asarray(sigmas) < 0.0):
raise ValueError("Sigma values less than zero are not valid")
response = np.zeros(nd_array.shape)
response[single_z, :, :] = vesselness2D(nd_array[single_z, :, :], sigmas=sigmas, tau=1, whiteonblack=True)
if cutoff < 0:
return response
return response > cutoff
[docs]def vesselnessSliceBySlice(
nd_array: np.ndarray,
sigmas: List,
tau: float = 1,
whiteonblack: bool = True,
cutoff: float = -1,
wrapper for applying multi-scale 2D filament filter on 3D images in a
slice by slice fashion
nd_array: np.ndarray
the 3D image to be filterd on
sigmas: List
a list of scales to use
tau: float
parameter that controls response uniformity. The value has to be
between 0.5 and 1. Lower tau means more intense output response.
Default is 0.5
whiteonblack: bool
whether the filamentous structures are bright on dark background
or dark on bright. Default is True.
cutoff: float
the cutoff value to apply on the filter result. If the cutoff is
negative, no cutoff will be applied. Default is -1
mip = np.amax(nd_array, axis=0)
response = np.zeros(nd_array.shape)
for zz in range(nd_array.shape[0]):
tmp = np.concatenate((nd_array[zz, :, :], mip), axis=1)
tmp = vesselness2D(tmp, sigmas=sigmas, tau=1, whiteonblack=True)
response[zz, :, : nd_array.shape[2] - 3] = tmp[:, : nd_array.shape[2] - 3]
if cutoff < 0:
return response
return response > cutoff
[docs]def compute_vesselness3D(eigen2, eigen3, tau):
"""backend for computing 3D filament filter"""
lambda3m = copy.copy(eigen3)
lambda3m[np.logical_and(eigen3 < 0, eigen3 > (tau * eigen3.min()))] = tau * eigen3.min()
response = np.multiply(np.square(eigen2), np.abs(lambda3m - eigen2))
response = divide_nonzero(27 * response, np.power(2 * np.abs(eigen2) + np.abs(lambda3m - eigen2), 3))
response[np.less(eigen2, 0.5 * lambda3m)] = 1
response[eigen2 >= 0] = 0
response[eigen3 >= 0] = 0
response[np.isinf(response)] = 0
return response
[docs]def compute_vesselness2D(eigen2, tau):
"""backend for computing 2D filament filter"""
Lambda3 = copy.copy(eigen2)
Lambda3[np.logical_and(Lambda3 < 0, Lambda3 >= (tau * Lambda3.min()))] = tau * Lambda3.min()
response = np.multiply(np.square(eigen2), np.abs(Lambda3 - eigen2))
response = divide_nonzero(27 * response, np.power(2 * np.abs(eigen2) + np.abs(Lambda3 - eigen2), 3))
response[np.less(eigen2, 0.5 * Lambda3)] = 1
response[eigen2 >= 0] = 0
response[np.isinf(response)] = 0
return response