Source code for aicssegmentation.core.vessel

import numpy as np
import copy
from typing import List
from .utils import divide_nonzero
from .hessian import absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues

[docs]def filament_3d_wrapper(struct_img: np.ndarray, f3_param: List[List]): """wrapper for 3d filament filter Parameters: ------------ struct_img: np.ndarray the image (should have been smoothed) to be segmented. The image has to be 3D. f3_param: List[List] [[scale_1, cutoff_1], [scale_2, cutoff_2], ....], e.g., [[1, 0.01]] or [[1,0.05], [0.5, 0.1]]. scale_x is set based on the estimated thickness of your target filaments. For example, if visually the thickness of the filaments is usually 3~4 pixels, then you may want to set scale_x as 1 or something near 1 (like 1.25). Multiple scales can be used, if you have filaments of very different thickness. cutoff_x is a threshold applied on the actual filter reponse to get the binary result. Smaller cutoff_x may yielf more filaments, especially detecting more dim ones and thicker segmentation, while larger cutoff_x could be less permisive and yield less filaments and slimmer segmentation. Reference: ------------ T. Jerman, et al. Enhancement of vascular structures in 3D and 2D angiographic images. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2016 Apr 4;35(9):2107-18. """ assert len(struct_img.shape) == 3, "image has to be 3D" bw = np.zeros(struct_img.shape, dtype=bool) for fid in range(len(f3_param)): sigma = f3_param[fid][0] eigenvalues = absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues(struct_img, sigma=sigma, scale=True, whiteonblack=True) responce = compute_vesselness3D(eigenvalues[1], eigenvalues[2], tau=1) bw = np.logical_or(bw, responce > f3_param[fid][1]) return bw
[docs]def filament_2d_wrapper(struct_img: np.ndarray, f2_param: List[List]): """wrapper for 2d filament filter Parameters: ------------ struct_img: np.ndarray the image (should have been smoothed) to be segmented. The image is either 2D or 3D. If 3D, the filter is applied in a slice by slice fashion f2_param: List[List] [[scale_1, cutoff_1], [scale_2, cutoff_2], ....], e.g., [[1, 0.01]] or [[1,0.05], [0.5, 0.1]]. Here, scale_x is set based on the estimated thickness of your target filaments. For example, if visually the thickness of the filaments is usually 3~4 pixels, then you may want to set scale_x as 1 or something near 1 (like 1.25). Multiple scales can be used, if you have filaments of very different thickness. cutoff_x is a threshold applied on the actual filter reponse to get the binary result. Smaller cutoff_x may yielf more filaments, especially detecting more dim ones and thicker segmentation, while larger cutoff_x could be less permisive and yield less filaments and slimmer segmentation. Reference: ------------ T. Jerman, et al. Enhancement of vascular structures in 3D and 2D angiographic images. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2016 Apr 4;35(9):2107-18. """ bw = np.zeros(struct_img.shape, dtype=bool) if len(struct_img.shape) == 2: for fid in range(len(f2_param)): sigma = f2_param[fid][0] eigenvalues = absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues(struct_img, sigma=sigma, scale=True, whiteonblack=True) responce = compute_vesselness2D(eigenvalues[1], tau=1) bw = np.logical_or(bw, responce > f2_param[fid][1]) elif len(struct_img.shape) == 3: mip = np.amax(struct_img, axis=0) for fid in range(len(f2_param)): sigma = f2_param[fid][0] res = np.zeros_like(struct_img) for zz in range(struct_img.shape[0]): tmp = np.concatenate((struct_img[zz, :, :], mip), axis=1) eigenvalues = absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues(tmp, sigma=sigma, scale=True, whiteonblack=True) responce = compute_vesselness2D(eigenvalues[1], tau=1) res[zz, :, : struct_img.shape[2] - 3] = responce[:, : struct_img.shape[2] - 3] bw = np.logical_or(bw, res > f2_param[fid][1]) return bw
[docs]def vesselness3D(nd_array: np.ndarray, sigmas: List, tau=1, whiteonblack=True, cutoff: float = -1): """Multi-scale 3D filament filter Parameters: ------------ nd_array: np.ndarray the 3D image to be filterd on sigmas: List a list of scales to use tau: float parameter that controls response uniformity. The value has to be between 0.5 and 1. Lower tau means more intense output response. Default is 1 whiteonblack: bool whether the filamentous structures are bright on dark background or dark on bright. Default is True. cutoff: float the cutoff value to apply on the filter result. If the cutoff is negative, no cutoff will be applied. Default is -1 Reference: ------------ T. Jerman, et al. Enhancement of vascular structures in 3D and 2D angiographic images. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2016 Apr 4;35(9):2107-18. """ if not nd_array.ndim == 3: raise (ValueError("Only 3 dimensions is currently supported")) # adapted from # noqa E501 if np.any(np.asarray(sigmas) < 0.0): raise ValueError("Sigma values less than zero are not valid") filtered_array = np.zeros( tuple( [ len(sigmas), ] ) + nd_array.shape ) for i, sigma in enumerate(sigmas): eigenvalues = absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues(nd_array, sigma=sigma, scale=True, whiteonblack=True) filtered_array[i] = compute_vesselness3D(eigenvalues[1], eigenvalues[2], tau=tau) response = np.max(filtered_array, axis=0) if cutoff < 0: return response else: return response > cutoff
[docs]def vesselness2D( nd_array: np.ndarray, sigmas: List, tau: float = 1, whiteonblack: bool = True, cutoff: float = -1, ): """Multi-scale 2D filament filter Parameters: ------------ nd_array: np.ndarray the 2D image to be filterd on sigmas: List a list of scales to use tau: float parameter that controls response uniformity. The value has to be between 0.5 and 1. Lower tau means more intense output response. Default is 0.5 whiteonblack: bool whether the filamentous structures are bright on dark background or dark on bright. Default is True. cutoff: float the cutoff value to apply on the filter result. If the cutoff is negative, no cutoff will be applied. Default is -1 Reference: ------------ T. Jerman, et al. Enhancement of vascular structures in 3D and 2D angiographic images. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2016 Apr 4;35(9):2107-18. """ if not nd_array.ndim == 2: raise (ValueError("Only 2 dimensions is currently supported")) # adapted from # noqa E501 if np.any(np.asarray(sigmas) < 0.0): raise ValueError("Sigma values less than zero are not valid") filtered_array = np.zeros( tuple( [ len(sigmas), ] ) + nd_array.shape ) for i, sigma in enumerate(sigmas): eigenvalues = absolute_3d_hessian_eigenvalues(nd_array, sigma=sigma, scale=True, whiteonblack=True) filtered_array[i] = compute_vesselness2D(eigenvalues[1], tau=tau) response = np.max(filtered_array, axis=0) if cutoff < 0: return response else: return response > cutoff
[docs]def vesselness2D_single_slice( nd_array: np.ndarray, single_z: int, sigmas: List, tau: float = 1, whiteonblack: bool = True, cutoff: float = -1, ): """Multi-scale 2D filament filter Parameters: ------------ nd_array: np.ndarray the 3D image to be filterd on single_z: int the index of the slice to apply the filter sigmas: List a list of scales to use tau: float parameter that controls response uniformity. The value has to be between 0.5 and 1. Lower tau means more intense output response. Default is 0.5 whiteonblack: bool whether the filamentous structures are bright on dark background or dark on bright. Default is True. cutoff: float the cutoff value to apply on the filter result. If the cutoff is negative, no cutoff will be applied. Default is -1 Reference: ------------ T. Jerman, et al. Enhancement of vascular structures in 3D and 2D angiographic images. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2016 Apr 4;35(9):2107-18. """ if not nd_array.ndim == 3: raise (ValueError("Only 3 dimensions is currently supported")) # adapted from # noqa E501 if np.any(np.asarray(sigmas) < 0.0): raise ValueError("Sigma values less than zero are not valid") response = np.zeros(nd_array.shape) response[single_z, :, :] = vesselness2D(nd_array[single_z, :, :], sigmas=sigmas, tau=1, whiteonblack=True) if cutoff < 0: return response else: return response > cutoff
[docs]def vesselnessSliceBySlice( nd_array: np.ndarray, sigmas: List, tau: float = 1, whiteonblack: bool = True, cutoff: float = -1, ): """ wrapper for applying multi-scale 2D filament filter on 3D images in a slice by slice fashion Parameters: ----------- nd_array: np.ndarray the 3D image to be filterd on sigmas: List a list of scales to use tau: float parameter that controls response uniformity. The value has to be between 0.5 and 1. Lower tau means more intense output response. Default is 0.5 whiteonblack: bool whether the filamentous structures are bright on dark background or dark on bright. Default is True. cutoff: float the cutoff value to apply on the filter result. If the cutoff is negative, no cutoff will be applied. Default is -1 """ mip = np.amax(nd_array, axis=0) response = np.zeros(nd_array.shape) for zz in range(nd_array.shape[0]): tmp = np.concatenate((nd_array[zz, :, :], mip), axis=1) tmp = vesselness2D(tmp, sigmas=sigmas, tau=1, whiteonblack=True) response[zz, :, : nd_array.shape[2] - 3] = tmp[:, : nd_array.shape[2] - 3] if cutoff < 0: return response else: return response > cutoff
[docs]def compute_vesselness3D(eigen2, eigen3, tau): """backend for computing 3D filament filter""" lambda3m = copy.copy(eigen3) lambda3m[np.logical_and(eigen3 < 0, eigen3 > (tau * eigen3.min()))] = tau * eigen3.min() response = np.multiply(np.square(eigen2), np.abs(lambda3m - eigen2)) response = divide_nonzero(27 * response, np.power(2 * np.abs(eigen2) + np.abs(lambda3m - eigen2), 3)) response[np.less(eigen2, 0.5 * lambda3m)] = 1 response[eigen2 >= 0] = 0 response[eigen3 >= 0] = 0 response[np.isinf(response)] = 0 return response
[docs]def compute_vesselness2D(eigen2, tau): """backend for computing 2D filament filter""" Lambda3 = copy.copy(eigen2) Lambda3[np.logical_and(Lambda3 < 0, Lambda3 >= (tau * Lambda3.min()))] = tau * Lambda3.min() response = np.multiply(np.square(eigen2), np.abs(Lambda3 - eigen2)) response = divide_nonzero(27 * response, np.power(2 * np.abs(eigen2) + np.abs(Lambda3 - eigen2), 3)) response[np.less(eigen2, 0.5 * Lambda3)] = 1 response[eigen2 >= 0] = 0 response[np.isinf(response)] = 0 return response