Source code for aicssegmentation.core.seg_dot

import numpy as np
from typing import List
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_laplace

[docs]def dot_3d(struct_img: np.ndarray, log_sigma: float, cutoff=-1): """apply 3D spot filter on a 3D image Parameters: ------------ struct_img: np.ndarray the 3D image to segment log_sigma: float the size of the filter, which can be set based on the estimated radius of your target dots. For example, if visually the diameter of the dots is usually 3~4 pixels, then you may want to set this as 1 or something near 1 (like 1.25). cutoff: float the cutoff value to apply on the filter result. If the cutoff is negative, no cutoff will be applied. Default is -1 """ assert len(struct_img.shape) == 3 responce = -1 * (log_sigma**2) * gaussian_laplace(struct_img, log_sigma) if cutoff < 0: return responce else: return responce > cutoff
[docs]def dot_2d(struct_img, log_sigma, cutoff=-1): """apply 2D spot filter on a 2D image Parameters: ------------ struct_img: np.ndarray the 2D image to segment log_sigma: float the size of the filter, which can be set based on the estimated radius of your target dots. For example, if visually the diameter of the dots is usually 3~4 pixels, then you may want to set this as 1 or something near 1 (like 1.25). cutoff: float the cutoff value to apply on the filter result. If the cutoff is negative, no cutoff will be applied. Default is -1 """ assert len(struct_img.shape) == 2 responce = -1 * (log_sigma**2) * gaussian_laplace(struct_img, log_sigma) if cutoff < 0: return responce else: return responce > cutoff
[docs]def dot_3d_wrapper(struct_img: np.ndarray, s3_param: List): """wrapper for 3D spot filter Parameters: ------------ struct_img: np.ndarray a 3d numpy array, usually the image after smoothing s3_param: List [[scale_1, cutoff_1], [scale_2, cutoff_2], ....], e.g. [[1, 0.1]] or [[1,0.12], [3,0.1]]. scale_x is set based on the estimated radius of your target dots. For example, if visually the diameter of the dots is about 3~4 pixels, then you may want to set scale_x as 1 or something near 1 (like 1.25). Multiple scales can be used, if you have dots of very different sizes. cutoff_x is a threshold applied on the actual filter reponse to get the binary result. Smaller cutoff_x may yielf more dots and "fatter" segmentation, while larger cutoff_x could be less permisive and yield less dots and slimmer segmentation. """ bw = np.zeros(struct_img.shape, dtype=bool) for fid in range(len(s3_param)): log_sigma = s3_param[fid][0] responce = -1 * (log_sigma**2) * gaussian_laplace(struct_img, log_sigma) bw = np.logical_or(bw, responce > s3_param[fid][1]) return bw
[docs]def logSlice(image: np.ndarray, sigma_list: List, threshold: float): """apply multi-scale 2D spot filter on a 2D image and binarize with threshold Parameters: ------------- image: np.ndarray the 2D image to segment sigma_list: List The list of sigma representing filters in multiple scales threshold: float the cutoff to apply to get the binary output """ gl_images = [-gaussian_laplace(image, s) * (s**2) for s in sigma_list] # get the mask seg = np.zeros_like(image) for zi in range(len(sigma_list)): seg = np.logical_or(seg, gl_images[zi] > threshold) return seg
[docs]def dot_slice_by_slice(struct_img: np.ndarray, log_sigma: float, cutoff=-1): """apply 2D spot filter on 3D image slice by slice Parameters: ------------ struct_img: np.ndarray a 3d numpy array, usually the image after smoothing log_sigma: float the size of the filter, which can be set based on the estimated radius of your target dots. For example, if visually the diameter of the dots is usually 3~4 pixels, then you may want to set this as 1 or something near 1 (like 1.25). cutoff: float the cutoff value to apply on the filter result. If the cutoff is negative, no cutoff will be applied. Default is -1 """ res = np.zeros_like(struct_img) for zz in range(struct_img.shape[0]): res[zz, :, :] = -1 * (log_sigma**2) * gaussian_laplace(struct_img[zz, :, :], log_sigma) if cutoff < 0: return res else: return res > cutoff
[docs]def dot_2d_slice_by_slice_wrapper(struct_img: np.ndarray, s2_param: List): """wrapper for 2D spot filter on 3D image slice by slice Parameters: ------------ struct_img: np.ndarray a 3d numpy array, usually the image after smoothing s2_param: List [[scale_1, cutoff_1], [scale_2, cutoff_2], ....], e.g. [[1, 0.1]] or [[1, 0.12], [3,0.1]]: scale_x is set based on the estimated radius of your target dots. For example, if visually the diameter of the dots is usually 3~4 pixels, then you may want to set scale_x as 1 or something near 1 (like 1.25). Multiple scales can be used, if you have dots of very different sizes. cutoff_x is a threshold applied on the actual filter reponse to get the binary result. Smaller cutoff_x may yielf more dots and fatter segmentation, while larger cutoff_x could be less permisive and yield less dots and slimmer segmentation. """ bw = np.zeros(struct_img.shape, dtype=bool) for fid in range(len(s2_param)): log_sigma = s2_param[fid][0] responce = np.zeros_like(struct_img) for zz in range(struct_img.shape[0]): responce[zz, :, :] = -1 * (log_sigma**2) * gaussian_laplace(struct_img[zz, :, :], log_sigma) bw = np.logical_or(bw, responce > s2_param[fid][1]) return bw