Source code for aicssegmentation.core.pre_processing_utils

import numpy as np
from typing import List
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

[docs]def intensity_normalization(struct_img: np.ndarray, scaling_param: List): """Normalize the intensity of input image so that the value range is from 0 to 1. Parameters: ------------ img: np.ndarray a 3d image scaling_param: List a list with only one value 0, i.e. [0]: Min-Max normlaizaiton, the max intensity of img will be mapped to 1 and min will be mapped to 0 a list with a single positive integer v, e.g. [5000]: Min-Max normalization, but first any original intensity value > v will be considered as outlier and reset of min intensity of img. After the max will be mapped to 1 and min will be mapped to 0 a list with two float values [a, b], e.g. [1.5, 10.5]: Auto-contrast normalizaiton. First, mean and standard deviaion (std) of the original intensity in img are calculated. Next, the intensity is truncated into range [mean - a * std, mean + b * std], and then recaled to [0, 1] a list with four float values [a, b, c, d], e.g. [0.5, 15.5, 200, 4000]: Auto-contrast normalization. Similat to above case, but only intensity value between c and d will be used to calculated mean and std. """ assert len(scaling_param) > 0 if len(scaling_param) == 1: if scaling_param[0] < 1: print("intensity normalization: min-max normalization with NO absolute" + "intensity upper bound") else: print(f"intensity norm: min-max norm with upper bound {scaling_param[0]}") struct_img[struct_img > scaling_param[0]] = struct_img.min() strech_min = struct_img.min() strech_max = struct_img.max() elif len(scaling_param) == 2: m, s = strech_min = max(m - scaling_param[0] * s, struct_img.min()) strech_max = min(m + scaling_param[1] * s, struct_img.max()) struct_img[struct_img > strech_max] = strech_max struct_img[struct_img < strech_min] = strech_min elif len(scaling_param) == 4: img_valid = struct_img[np.logical_and(struct_img > scaling_param[2], struct_img < scaling_param[3])] assert ( img_valid.size > 0 ), f"Adjust intensity normalization parameters {scaling_param[2]} and {scaling_param[3]} to include the image with range {struct_img.min()}:{struct_img.max()}" # noqa: E501 m, s = strech_min = max(scaling_param[2] - scaling_param[0] * s, struct_img.min()) strech_max = min(scaling_param[3] + scaling_param[1] * s, struct_img.max()) struct_img[struct_img > strech_max] = strech_max struct_img[struct_img < strech_min] = strech_min assert ( strech_min <= strech_max ), f"Please adjust intensity normalization parameters so that {strech_min}<={strech_max}" struct_img = (struct_img - strech_min + 1e-8) / (strech_max - strech_min + 1e-8) # print('intensity normalization completes') return struct_img
[docs]def image_smoothing_gaussian_3d(struct_img, sigma, truncate_range=3.0): """ wrapper for 3D Guassian smoothing """ structure_img_smooth = gaussian_filter(struct_img, sigma=sigma, mode="nearest", truncate=truncate_range) return structure_img_smooth
[docs]def image_smoothing_gaussian_slice_by_slice(struct_img, sigma, truncate_range=3.0): """ wrapper for applying 2D Guassian smoothing slice by slice on a 3D image """ structure_img_smooth = np.zeros_like(struct_img) for zz in range(struct_img.shape[0]): structure_img_smooth[zz, :, :] = gaussian_filter( struct_img[zz, :, :], sigma=sigma, mode="nearest", truncate=truncate_range ) return structure_img_smooth
[docs]def edge_preserving_smoothing_3d( struct_img: np.ndarray, numberOfIterations: int = 10, conductance: float = 1.2, timeStep: float = 0.0625, spacing: List = [1, 1, 1], ): """perform edge preserving smoothing on a 3D image Parameters: ------------- struct_img: np.ndarray the image to be smoothed numberOfInterations: int how many smoothing iterations to perform. More iterations give more smoothing effect. Default is 10. timeStep: float the time step to be used for each iteration, important for numberical stability. Default is 0.0625 for 3D images. Do not suggest to change. spacing: List the spacing of voxels in three dimensions. Default is [1, 1, 1] Reference: ------------- """ import itk itk_img = itk.GetImageFromArray(struct_img.astype(np.float32)) # set spacing itk_img.SetSpacing(spacing) gradientAnisotropicDiffusionFilter = itk.GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter.New(itk_img) gradientAnisotropicDiffusionFilter.SetNumberOfIterations(numberOfIterations) gradientAnisotropicDiffusionFilter.SetTimeStep(timeStep) gradientAnisotropicDiffusionFilter.SetConductanceParameter(conductance) gradientAnisotropicDiffusionFilter.Update() itk_img_smooth = gradientAnisotropicDiffusionFilter.GetOutput() img_smooth_ag = itk.GetArrayFromImage(itk_img_smooth) return img_smooth_ag
[docs]def suggest_normalization_param(structure_img0): """ suggest scaling parameter assuming the image is a representative example of this cell structure """ m, s = print(f"mean intensity of the stack: {m}") print(f"the standard deviation of intensity of the stack: {s}") p99 = np.percentile(structure_img0, 99.99) print(f"0.9999 percentile of the stack intensity is: {p99}") pmin = structure_img0.min() print(f"minimum intensity of the stack: {pmin}") pmax = structure_img0.max() print(f"maximum intensity of the stack: {pmax}") up_ratio = 0 for up_i in np.arange(0.5, 1000, 0.5): if m + s * up_i > p99: if m + s * up_i > pmax: print(f"suggested upper range is {up_i-0.5}, which is {m+s*(up_i-0.5)}") up_ratio = up_i - 0.5 else: print(f"suggested upper range is {up_i}, which is {m+s*up_i}") up_ratio = up_i break low_ratio = 0 for low_i in np.arange(0.5, 1000, 0.5): if m - s * low_i < pmin: print(f"suggested lower range is {low_i-0.5}, which is {m-s*(low_i-0.5)}") low_ratio = low_i - 0.5 break print(f"So, suggested parameter for normalization is [{low_ratio}, {up_ratio}]") print( "To further enhance the contrast: You may increase the first value " + "(may loss some dim parts), or decrease the second value" + "(may loss some texture in super bright regions)" ) print("To slightly reduce the contrast: You may decrease the first value, or " + "increase the second value")