import numpy as np
from skimage.morphology import remove_small_objects, ball, dilation
from skimage.filters import threshold_triangle, threshold_otsu
from skimage.measure import label
[docs]def MO_low_level(
structure_img_smooth: np.ndarray,
global_thresh_method: str,
object_minArea: int,
dilate: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
Implementation of "Masked Object Thresholding" algorithm. Specifically, the
algorithm is a hybrid thresholding method combining two levels of thresholds.
The steps are [1] a global threshold is calculated, [2] extract each individual
connected componet after applying the global threshold, [3] remove small objects,
[4] within each remaining object, a local Otsu threshold is calculated and applied
with an optional local threshold adjustment ratio (to make the segmentation more
and less conservative). An extra check can be used in step [4], which requires the
local Otsu threshold larger than 1/3 of global Otsu threhsold and otherwise this
connected component is discarded. This function implements the low level part.
structure_img_smooth: np.ndarray
the image (should have already been smoothed) to apply the method on
global_thresh_method: str
which method to use for calculating global threshold. Options include:
"triangle" (or "tri"), "median" (or "med"), and "ave_tri_med" (or "ave").
"ave" refers the average of "triangle" threshold and "mean" threshold.
object_minArea: int
the size filter for excluding small object before applying local threshold
dilate: bool
whether to perform dilation on bw_low_level prior to the high level threshold
a binary nd array of the segmentation result
if global_thresh_method == "tri" or global_thresh_method == "triangle":
th_low_level = threshold_triangle(structure_img_smooth)
elif global_thresh_method == "med" or global_thresh_method == "median":
th_low_level = np.percentile(structure_img_smooth, 50)
elif global_thresh_method == "ave" or global_thresh_method == "ave_tri_med":
global_tri = threshold_triangle(structure_img_smooth)
global_median = np.percentile(structure_img_smooth, 50)
th_low_level = (global_tri + global_median) / 2
bw_low_level = structure_img_smooth > th_low_level
bw_low_level = remove_small_objects(bw_low_level, min_size=object_minArea, connectivity=1, out=bw_low_level)
if dilate:
bw_low_level = dilation(bw_low_level, footprint=ball(2))
return bw_low_level
[docs]def MO_high_level(
structure_img_smooth: np.ndarray,
bw_low_level: np.ndarray,
extra_criteria: bool = False,
local_adjust: float = 0.98,
) -> np.ndarray:
Implementation of "Masked Object Thresholding" algorithm. Specifically, the
algorithm is a hybrid thresholding method combining two levels of thresholds.
The steps are [1] a global threshold is calculated, [2] extract each individual
connected componet after applying the global threshold, [3] remove small objects,
[4] within each remaining object, a local Otsu threshold is calculated and applied
with an optional local threshold adjustment ratio (to make the segmentation more
and less conservative). An extra check can be used in step [4], which requires the
local Otsu threshold larger than 1/3 of global Otsu threhsold and otherwise this
connected component is discarded. This function implements the high level part.
structure_img_smooth: np.ndarray
the image (should have already been smoothed) to apply the method on
bw_low_level: np.ndarray
low level segmentation
extra_criteria: bool
whether to use the extra check when doing local thresholding, default is False
local_adjust: float
a ratio to apply on local threshold, default is 0.98
a binary nd array of the segmentation result
bw_high_level = np.zeros_like(bw_low_level)
lab_low, num_obj = label(bw_low_level, return_num=True, connectivity=1)
if extra_criteria:
local_cutoff = 0.333 * threshold_otsu(structure_img_smooth)
for idx in range(num_obj):
single_obj = lab_low == (idx + 1)
local_otsu = threshold_otsu(structure_img_smooth[single_obj > 0])
if local_otsu > local_cutoff:
bw_high_level[np.logical_and(structure_img_smooth > local_otsu * local_adjust, single_obj)] = 1
for idx in range(num_obj):
single_obj = lab_low == (idx + 1)
local_otsu = threshold_otsu(structure_img_smooth[single_obj > 0])
bw_high_level[np.logical_and(structure_img_smooth > local_otsu * local_adjust, single_obj)] = 1
return bw_high_level > 0
[docs]def MO(
structure_img_smooth: np.ndarray,
global_thresh_method: str,
object_minArea: int,
extra_criteria: bool = False,
local_adjust: float = 0.98,
return_object: bool = False,
dilate: bool = False,
Implementation of "Masked Object Thresholding" algorithm. Specifically, the
algorithm is a hybrid thresholding method combining two levels of thresholds.
The steps are [1] a global threshold is calculated, [2] extract each individual
connected componet after applying the global threshold, [3] remove small objects,
[4] within each remaining object, a local Otsu threshold is calculated and applied
with an optional local threshold adjustment ratio (to make the segmentation more
and less conservative). An extra check can be used in step [4], which requires the
local Otsu threshold larger than 1/3 of global Otsu threhsold and otherwise this
connected component is discarded.
structure_img_smooth: np.ndarray
the image (should have already been smoothed) to apply the method on
global_thresh_method: str
which method to use for calculating global threshold. Options include:
"triangle" (or "tri"), "median" (or "med"), and "ave_tri_med" (or "ave").
"ave" refers the average of "triangle" threshold and "mean" threshold.
object_minArea: int
the size filter for excluding small object before applying local threshold
extra_criteria: bool
whether to use the extra check when doing local thresholding, default is False
local_adjust: float
a ratio to apply on local threshold, default is 0.98
return_object: bool
whether to return the global thresholding results in order to obtain the
individual objects the local thresholding is made on
dilate: bool
whether to perform dilation on bw_low_level prior to the high level threshold
a binary nd array of the segmentation result
bw_low_level = MO_low_level(structure_img_smooth, global_thresh_method, object_minArea, dilate)
bw_high_level = MO_high_level(structure_img_smooth, bw_low_level, extra_criteria, local_adjust)
if return_object:
return bw_high_level, bw_low_level
return bw_high_level