Source code for aicsshparam.shparam

import warnings
import pyshtools
import numpy as np
from vtk.util import numpy_support
from skimage import transform as sktrans
from scipy import interpolate as spinterp

from . import shtools

[docs] def get_shcoeffs( image: np.array, lmax: int, sigma: float = 0, compute_lcc: bool = True, alignment_2d: bool = True, make_unique: bool = False, ): """ Compute spherical harmonics coefficients that describe an object stored as an image. Calculates the spherical harmonics coefficients that parametrize the shape formed by the foreground set of voxels in the input image. The input image does not need to be binary and all foreground voxels (background=0) are used in the computation. Foreground voxels must form a single connected component. If you are sure that this is the case for the input image, you can set compute_lcc to False to speed up the calculation. In addition, the shape is expected to be centered in the input image. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Input image. Expected to have shape ZYX. lmax : int Order of the spherical harmonics parametrization. The higher the order the more shape details are represented. Returns ------- coeffs_dict : dict Dictionary with the spherical harmonics coefficients and the mean square error between input and its parametrization grid_rec : ndarray Parametric grid representing sh parametrization image\\_ : ndarray Input image after pre-processing (lcc calculation, smooth and binarization). mesh : vtkPolyData Polydata representation of image\\_. grid_down : ndarray Parametric grid representing input object. transform : tuple of floats (xc, yc, zc, angle) if alignment_2d is True or (xc, yc, zc) if alignment_2d is False. (xc, yc, zc) are the coordinates of the shape centroid after alignment; angle is the angle used to align the image Other parameters ---------------- sigma : float, optional The degree of smooth to be applied to the input image, default is 0 (no smooth) compute_lcc : bool, optional Whether to compute the largest connected component before applying the spherical harmonic parametrization, default is True. Set compute_lcc to False in case you are sure the input image contains a single connected component. It is crucial that parametrization is calculated on a single connected component object. alignment_2d : bool Whether the image should be aligned in 2d. Default is True. make_unique : bool Set true to make sure the alignment rotation is unique. Notes ----- Alignment mode '2d' allows for keeping the z axis unchanged which might be important for some applications. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from aicsshparam import shparam, shtools img = np.ones((32,32,32), dtype=np.uint8) (coeffs, grid_rec), (image_, mesh, grid, transform) = shparam.get_shcoeffs(image=img, lmax=2) mse = shtools.get_reconstruction_error(grid, grid_rec) print('Coefficients:', coeffs) >>> Coefficients: {'shcoeffs_L0M0C': 18.31594310878251, 'shcoeffs_L0M1C': 0.0, 'shcoeffs_L0M2C': 0.0, 'shcoeffs_L1M0C': 0.020438775421611564, 'shcoeffs_L1M1C': -0.0030960466571801513, 'shcoeffs_L1M2C': 0.0, 'shcoeffs_L2M0C': -0.0185688727281408, 'shcoeffs_L2M1C': -2.9925077712704384e-05, 'shcoeffs_L2M2C': -0.009087503958673892, 'shcoeffs_L0M0S': 0.0, 'shcoeffs_L0M1S': 0.0, 'shcoeffs_L0M2S': 0.0, 'shcoeffs_L1M0S': 0.0, 'shcoeffs_L1M1S': 3.799611612562637e-05, 'shcoeffs_L1M2S': 0.0, 'shcoeffs_L2M0S': 0.0, 'shcoeffs_L2M1S': 3.672543904347801e-07, 'shcoeffs_L2M2S': 0.0002230857005948496} print('Error:', mse) >>> Error: 2.3738182456948795 """ if len(image.shape) != 3: raise ValueError( "Incorrect dimensions: {}. Expected 3 dimensions.".format(image.shape) ) if image.sum() == 0: raise ValueError("No foreground voxels found. Is the input image empty?") # Binarize the input. We assume that everything that is not background will # be use for parametrization image_ = image.copy() image_[image_ > 0] = 1 # Alignment if alignment_2d: # Align the points such that the longest axis of the 2d # xy max projected shape will be horizontal (along x) image_, angle = shtools.align_image_2d(image=image_, make_unique=make_unique) image_ = image_.squeeze() # Converting the input image into a mesh using regular marching cubes mesh, image_, centroid = shtools.get_mesh_from_image(image=image_, sigma=sigma) if not image_[tuple([int(u) for u in centroid[::-1]])]: warnings.warn( "Mesh centroid seems to fall outside the object. This indicates\ the mesh may not be a manifold suitable for spherical harmonics\ parameterization." ) # Get coordinates of mesh points coords = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(mesh.GetPoints().GetData()) x = coords[:, 0] y = coords[:, 1] z = coords[:, 2] transform = centroid + ((angle,) if alignment_2d else ()) # Translate and update mesh normals mesh = shtools.update_mesh_points(mesh, x, y, z) # Cartesian to spherical coordinates convertion rad = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) lat = np.arccos(np.divide(z, rad, out=np.zeros_like(rad), where=(rad != 0))) lon = np.pi + np.arctan2(y, x) # Creating a meshgrid data from (lon,lat,r) points = np.concatenate( [np.array(lon).reshape(-1, 1), np.array(lat).reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1 ) grid_lon, grid_lat = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(start=0, stop=2 * np.pi, num=256, endpoint=True), np.linspace(start=0, stop=1 * np.pi, num=128, endpoint=True), ) # Interpolate the (lon,lat,r) data into a grid grid = spinterp.griddata(points, rad, (grid_lon, grid_lat), method="nearest") # Fit grid data with SH. Look at pyshtools for detail. coeffs = pyshtools.expand.SHExpandDH(grid, sampling=2, lmax_calc=lmax) # Reconstruct grid. Look at pyshtools for detail. grid_rec = pyshtools.expand.MakeGridDH(coeffs, sampling=2) # Resize the input grid to match the size of the reconstruction grid_down = sktrans.resize(grid, output_shape=grid_rec.shape, preserve_range=True) # Create (l,m) keys for the coefficient dictionary lvalues = np.repeat(np.arange(lmax + 1).reshape(-1, 1), lmax + 1, axis=1) keys = [] for suffix in ["C", "S"]: for L, m in zip(lvalues.flatten(), lvalues.T.flatten()): keys.append(f"shcoeffs_L{L}M{m}{suffix}") coeffs_dict = dict(zip(keys, coeffs.flatten())) return (coeffs_dict, grid_rec), (image_, mesh, grid_down, transform)