AICS Spherical Hamonics Parametrization#

Spherical harmonics parametrization for starlike shapes. Segmented images are converted into triangular meshes using standard marching cubes algorithm from VTK ( and centered at the origin. Coordinates of mesh points are converted from cartesian to geographic system (latitude, longitude and altitude). Altitude coordinates are then interpolated over a (lat,lon) grid where each cell has a resolution of π/128.

We used the Python package pyshtools ( to expand the equally spaced grid into spherical harmonics using Driscoll and Healy’s sampling theorem [1].

[1] Driscoll, J.R. and D.M. Healy, Computing Fourier transforms and convolutions on the 2-sphere, Adv. Appl. Math., 15, 202-250, 1994.

import numpy as np
from aicsshparam import shparam, shtools

# Create a binary test image of a cube with size 32x32x32
img = np.ones((32,32,32), dtype=np.uint8)

# Calculate the spherical harmonics expansion up to order lmax = 2
(coeffs, grid_rec), (image_, mesh, grid, transform) = shparam.get_shcoeffs(image=img, lmax=2)

# Calculate the corresponding reconstruction error
mse = shtools.get_reconstruction_error(grid,grid_rec)

# Print results
print('Coefficients:', coeffs)
print('Error:', mse)

The output coeffs is a dict that constains the sh coefficients values. grid_rec (ndarray) is the reconstructed equally spaced grid. Additional outputs are image_ (ndarray) that is the input image after pre-processing, mesh (ndarray) is a triangular repsentation of image_ centered at origin, grid (ndarray) is the equally spaced grid corresponding to image_, and transform is a tuple of floats that contains the centroid of the shape and the angle applied for alignment. The similar grid_rec and grid are, the better the parametrization is.

To reconstruct the parametrized mesh from grid_rec one could do

# Reconstruct mesh from grid
mesh_rec = aicsshparam.shtools.get_reconstruction_from_grid(grid_rec)

# Save mesh
aicsshparam.shtools.save_polydata(mesh_rec, 'mesh_rec.vtk')

VTK mesh files can be open using Paraview ( for further inspection.